
A Climate of Growth

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Discipleship is an attitude of spiritual growth (2 Peter 3:18). Here at Mountain View we do our best to present a climate of growth for all our people. We believe this can only come through the Spirit anointed preaching and teaching of God’s Word. One of the two main areas of ministry here at MVBC (See E2 Ministry), discipleship encompasses a huge part of our energy investment managed through our individual ministries.

An Attitude of Growth

Put more simply, we want everyone who attends Mountain View to have an attitude of growth at the forefront of their focus. If a Christian is growing in Christ they are succeeding. If they aren’t growing, something’s wrong.

Discipleship is primarily corporate, rather than individual, in the church context. Each of our mid-week Bible Study Groups are opportunities for corporate discipleship. Therefore, one of the main ways to enter into discipleship at Mountain View is to commit to a mid-week Bible Study. This is a great way to learn God’s Word, discuss it out loud with other Christians, pray for one another, and be accountable to other believers in our lives.

Jesus commanded discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20). If you aren’t part of a mid-week Bible Study group we encourage you to prayerfully consider joining one of our groups that’s right for you. In this way you will be a part of the climate of growth here at MVBC! To learn about our Mid-Week Bible Study Groups click here