2 Corinthians 11:14
Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Does Satan work in my life personally? The Bible seems to say so. Over and over again the Christian is warned about the Enemy’s schemes. From Jesus to the Apostles, we are warned to watch out. We are constantly reminded about the reality of spiritual warfare working all around the “everyday” believer in Christ.
Matthew 7:15
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you looking like sheep, but inwardly they are vicious wolves.
2 Corinthians 2:11
Don’t let Satan outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
How does Satan work in my life? Satan’s universal strategy and approach for attacking God’s people has always been disguise. From the Book of Genesis when he hid in a regular everyday animal, to the Book of Revelation when he hides in an antichrist figure, Satan has always worked the same way. He comes at us looking like a “good guy”, but, really he’s bad. He masquerades as a Christian, but really he’s a rogue angel against God, His Messiah, and His people.
The practical question in all this is: How is Satan hiding in my life to work against me, right now? In what ways is he pretending to be a follower of Christ in order to deceive me, personally? What persons, or programs, or ideas is he using to lure me away from Christ’s ways, all in the name of Christ? It’s a sober question that each of us should ask ourselves.
I strongly recommend attending Adult Sunday School at MVBC in the coming weeks. Pastor Jon (one of the best Bible teachers I know) has begun a new series journeying through the Book of 1 John. In this study the class will be taking a hard look at two major questions answered in this little book. “How do I know I am a Christian?” And, “How do I know someone really isn’t a Christian who claims they are?” I urge you to attend these sessions each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about how Satan might be working in your life, right now, personally.
Blessings from Christ,
Pastor Eric