
June 22, 2014

Jacob Prospers

Jacob Prospers

God prospers Jacob greatly in the face of many obstacles.

June 15, 2014

Leah and Rachel Struggle

Leah and Rachel Struggle
June 8, 2014

Rachel’s Jealousy

Rachel's Jealousy

This sermon covers 5 Patterns of Unhealthy People.

June 1, 2014

God Opens Leah’s Womb

God Opens Leah's Womb

When God saw that Leah was unloved He responded in her life by opening her womb. She had four sons. Yet, God didn’t have her whole heart. She still longed to be loved by her husband. God continued to woo her towards Himself alone. Three points from this sermon: 1. God sees the humbled and […]

May 25, 2014

Jacob’s Love for Rachel

Jacob's Love for Rachel

For Jacob and Rachel it was “love at first sight.” But was this really God’s best plan for Jacob? Was this the girl God originally desired Jacob to marry? Often times we can run ahead of God’s original plan for our lives. In the end His sovereign will will take care of everything. However, wouldn’t […]

May 18, 2014

Laban Deceives Jacob

Laban Deceives Jacob

Though he has met God, Jacob still isn’t walking with Him. Have I met Christ but still am not walking with Christ? (Matt. 7:21) One sign: Are you striving or allowing God to strive for you? (Ps. 57:2) This sermon gives three points to apply to our lives from the account of Laban deceiving Jacob. […]

May 11, 2014

Jacob Meets Rachel

Jacob Meets Rachel

What happens when we experience God without really knowing Him yet? What’s the difference between striving for myself vs. allowing God to accomplish all things for me? What are some of the issues that develop in one’s theology when they don’t fully understand the Biblical principle of absolute dependence upon Christ for all things? This […]

May 4, 2014

The Ascension of Jesus

The Ascension of Jesus

What happened between the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ some forty days later?

April 27, 2014

The Assurance of Salvation

The Assurance of Salvation

Discover how to be sure of your salvation in Jesus Christ. Can a person know he or she is saved? Learn how from this important message by Pastor Jon Lutz.

April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

What really happend on Palm Sunday and passion week? The crowds seemed excited about Jesus, but why? How was Jesus feeling? If we’re not careful our whole relationship with Jesus can become one big misunderstand.

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