April 6, 2014
As Jacob experiences God personally for the first time what can we learn to apply to our own lives? How did Jacob respond? Where was his focus? What implications did his reactions have for the future?
March 30, 2014
How did Paul pray for people? Would he pray the same way for me today? How will this impact my life? Join Pastor Jon Lutz as he brings this special message on Paul’s prayer for the church from the Book of Colossians.
March 23, 2014
What caused the terrible disfunction, disorder, and division in Isaac and Rebekah’s household? How can I keep from making the same mistakes in mine?
March 16, 2014
Isaac experienced famine and so will we. Spiritual famine is a normal Christian experience often overlooked and not talked about. What is it? When does it happen? How do I make it through spiritual famines in my walk with Christ?
March 2, 2014
(Part Four) This message looks at the important spiritual disciplines of meditation, fasting, and waiting.
February 16, 2014
No one person is indispensable to God’s promises and plan of salvation for mankind (besides Jesus Christ, of course). Even the spiritual great, Abraham, passed away. What was important to Abraham at his passing? Are we a people preparing the next generation to carry on the Gospel of Jesus Christ when we’re gone?
February 9, 2014
In this sermon we’ll take a look at how God worked in Isaac and Rebekah’s life to bring them together. Were they “meant to be?” How did God work in their single lives to bring them to marriage? Will He work the same way in our lives today?
February 2, 2014
Life is full of transitions and so is Scripture. One major life-transition in death. As we look at the death of Sarah this sermon will cover why she died, where death comes from, and how it can be overcome in Jesus Christ.
January 19, 2014
Abraham obtained the witness that God was “with” him. What did this ultimately mean for Abraham? What does it mean for us?
January 12, 2014
This message covers the birth of Isaac, the rivalry of Ishmael, the sending of Ishmael and Hagar away, and other various points of interest.