
Sunday Morning
September 8, 2013

God of Power

God of Power

God tends towards the supernatural, while man towards the natural. The same God who worked powerfully in Abraham’s life 4000 years ago desires to work powerfully in ours today. However, we must live by faith and resist our propensity towards interjecting our own plans into His.

September 1, 2013

Ultimate Fulfillment

Ultimate Fulfillment

What does the Abrahamic Covenant have to do with the Christian today? What did the characteristics of this covenant mean for Abraham then; and what do they mean ultimately for us now?

August 25, 2013

Personal Experience

Personal Experience
August 18, 2013

Biblical Submission

Biblical Submission
August 11, 2013

How to Handle Life’s Disappointments

How to Handle Life's Disappointments

Too often life’s disappointments define us. How can we handle life’s disappointments Biblically so that God can build character qualities in us according to His desire and plans for our lives?

August 4, 2013

Two Approaches to God

Two Approaches to God

There are two approaches to God. Abram displays both in Genesis Ch. 15. The first approach to God is one of faith. When a person believes God at His Word and says, “Amen” to God, God’s response is always to reckon righteousness to that person. The second approach is one of legality (i.e., works). The […]

July 28, 2013

Three Steps to Victory Over Sin

Three Steps to Victory Over Sin

Abram lived in a time when very few knew of the One True God of Heaven. As we study his life, we are privileged to watch God reveal Himself faithfully to this man of God. With Abram, we are brought steadily into God’s eternal plan of salvation as He reveals it more and more. Each […]

July 21, 2013

Separation and Seeking

Separation and Seeking

What can we learn from Abram’s everyday walk with God? Will God respond the same in my life as He did in Abram’s? What must I do to have a personal relationship with God as Abram did?

July 14, 2013

Abram Rescues Lot

Abram Rescues Lot

Lot fails to separate himself from Sodom, therefore, Sodom’s story becomes his. When we, as believers, befriend the world, the consequences can be devastating. Holiness is the answer for the follower of Christ. Abram, because of his love for Lot, raises a small force and defeats powerful kings in order to save his nephew and […]

July 7, 2013

Death and the Resurrection

Death and the Resurrection

As Mountain View grieves the loss of Pastor Jim Jenkins, one of our elders, what comfort can we find from Scripture? What happens when a believer dies? Where do they go? Will we ever see them again? Is it o.k. to grieve, and if so, how? This sermon may answer some of these questions and […]

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