July 16, 2023
What does Torah mean biblically and how will understanding it better help the westernized Christian? What did Yeshua (Jesus) mean when He said, “I have not come to abolish Torah but to fulfill it”? What does Shema have to do with Torah? This sermon answers these questions and dives deeper into the heart of Jesus’ […]
July 9, 2023
The Christian can’t do rightly without first being who they are meant to be in Christ. This message explores the importance of being the people of God from the inside out.
July 2, 2023
What does it mean to be called and chosen by Jesus? What are some typical aspects to following Him?
June 25, 2023
What are three things about the Kingdom of Heaven that are important?
June 18, 2023
How and why are we tempted? What can we do about it?
June 11, 2023
There are other-than-human entities at work in the world seeking to overthrow Christ in order to rule over humanity. However, Christ came to defeat them and to save mankind from sin and from their evil dominance.
June 4, 2023
Why did John and Jesus preach a Gospel of repentance? What does it mean to repent?
May 28, 2023
Who were the Magi and what was the star that they followed?
May 21, 2023
Three important points about Christ’s birth.
May 14, 2023
What’s the point of the genealogies in Scripture? Why is Jesus’ genealogy particularly important? Who are the four special women in His family line and what’s special about them?