February 22, 2015
Since the Gospel had taken root in the Colossians (1:3-8) Paul’s prayer is that they would continue to grow in it. His hope is that the Colossians will be filled with the knowledge of God so that they will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
February 15, 2015
When the Gospel of Jesus Christ bears fruit in someone it moves them to a public faith that’s displayed through love for the church because of the hope of heaven. Gospel growth penetrates any culture and is handed on from person to person through individuals like Epaphras who lived his faith out loud. Are your […]
February 8, 2015
What are some qualities of godly leadership? What are some questions to ask ourselves when assessing potential spiritual leaders in our lives?
January 25, 2015
Dealing with hurt is a big part of life and the only way to overcome it is to practice the spiritual discipline of forgiveness. Here are four Biblical steps to forgiving those who’ve hurt you.
January 18, 2015
As we close up our short series on Struggling with Sin we need to answer three questions from Scripture: 1. What happens when the Christian does sin? 2. How can I test how I’m doing? 3. How do I proceed when I fail?
January 11, 2015
Last Sunday we learned that every Christian fails regularly. Each of us ought to be struggling against sin and self on a daily basis. This actually may be a sign that your Christianity is healthy and that you’re growing. In this message we learn how to walk in the Spirit so that we can win […]
January 4, 2015
Is your Christianity marked by a daily battle against sin and self? If not what might be wrong?
December 28, 2014
A message with a New Year’s focus.
December 7, 2014
Is there anything about Christmas (the First Advent) in Psalm 40? And if so, what does it say?
November 30, 2014
Is it possible to see God? Jesus said it was. However, we cannot see Him with the eyes of our heads; and we cannot see Him on our own terms. A pure heart is needed. How do we obtain a pure heart and a full life? This sermon may help some to answer these questions.