
Eric Motl
November 2, 2014

Judah and Tamar

Judah and Tamar

The line of Christ comes from a line of unloved, despised, betrayed, and wronged people.

October 26, 2014

Judah Departs from His Brothers

Judah Departs from His Brothers

Often times we run from our moral failures rather than face them head on with Christ.

September 21, 2014

Joseph Sold Into Slavery

Joseph Sold Into Slavery

The spiritual climate of Jacob’s household was one of anger, resentment, and betrayal. Could Jacob, as the spiritual leader of his family, have preempted some of the troubles to come by dealing with his family’s issues before they exploded into caos? How can we as Christians watch out over our households in order to facilitate […]

September 14, 2014

Joseph Favored by Jacob

Joseph Favored by Jacob
September 7, 2014

The End is Near (Part Two)

The End is Near (Part Two)

Will I meet Jesus Christ face to face one day? And if so, how should I be preparing?

August 31, 2014

The End is Near (Part One)

The End is Near (Part One)

If the Apostle Peter were here today what might he preach to us?

August 24, 2014

Jacob Sojourned in Canaan

Jacob Sojourned in Canaan

Jacob was a sojourner in the land of Canaan while his brother Esau moved away and founded his own country, Edom. Esau took a secular route in his life while Jacob was on a spiritual journey his brother could know nothing about. Christians are called to be sojourners, pilgrims in our times just like Jacob […]

August 17, 2014

Jacob Cleanses His Household

Jacob Cleanses His Household

Jacob found it important to cleanse his household of pagan idolatry and ancient occultism. Followers of Jesus Christ ought to consider doing the same in our day. Without knowing it, many Christians have pagan items, with roots tied to the occult, right under their own rooves. Can these unclean items, detested by the Lord in […]

August 10, 2014

Jacob Moves to Shechem

Jacob Moves to Shechem

It’s Critical that God’s people practice acknowledging Him in all their ways daily. Often times the Law of Compromise sets in and we drift away from God’s will for our lives through a series of seemingly small, unnoticeable steps. These small steps can lead to huge dangers if not kept in check consistently.

August 3, 2014

Jacob Wrestles with God

Jacob Wrestles with God

Jacob was a man who had been struggling with the people and circumstances surrounding him since the day he was born. It wasn’t until this amazing encounter with God Himself that he realized he’d really been struggling with God all that time. God desired brokenness in Jacob. It is here that Jacob finally comes to […]

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