Jacob Meets Esau
Eric Motl
Sometimes life seems to hit us left and right with one trouble after another. This was the case for Jacob. After finally getting out of the conflict with his uncle Laban, he enters right in to another potential one with his brother, Esau. If life ever gets this way for you here are some Biblical […]
Jacob Separates from Laban
Eric Motl
Jacob came to a point where major boundaries needed to be set up between him and his controlling uncle. Boundary setting, whether it be spiritual or physical, is a required skill for any healthy, growing follower of Christ. So, how do I know if it’s time to put boundaries up between me and the people […]
Jacob’s Love for Rachel
Eric Motl
For Jacob and Rachel it was “love at first sight.” But was this really God’s best plan for Jacob? Was this the girl God originally desired Jacob to marry? Often times we can run ahead of God’s original plan for our lives. In the end His sovereign will will take care of everything. However, wouldn’t […]
Laban Deceives Jacob
Eric Motl
Though he has met God, Jacob still isn’t walking with Him. Have I met Christ but still am not walking with Christ? (Matt. 7:21) One sign: Are you striving or allowing God to strive for you? (Ps. 57:2) This sermon gives three points to apply to our lives from the account of Laban deceiving Jacob. […]
Jacob Meets Rachel
Eric Motl
What happens when we experience God without really knowing Him yet? What’s the difference between striving for myself vs. allowing God to accomplish all things for me? What are some of the issues that develop in one’s theology when they don’t fully understand the Biblical principle of absolute dependence upon Christ for all things? This […]
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