
Eric Motl
October 25, 2023

A Young Earth

A Young Earth

This study looks at Creation Week in Genesis Chapters 1 and @ and considers the evidences for a young earth.

October 18, 2023

A Dualistic Creation

A Dualistic Creation

This study looks at Genesis 1:1-5 and talks about the two modes of existence (light and darkness) that God created on day one of creation week. Then it looks at how these verses apply to Jesus Christ.

October 11, 2023

The History And Dependability of the Bible

The History And Dependability of the Bible

This introductory study looks at why we can depend upon our Bibles. Who are the Masoretes? What about the Dead Sea Scrolls?

October 1, 2023

Jesus Has Authority Over Sin

Jesus Has Authority Over Sin

This message looks at the Doctrine of Sin.

September 10, 2023

Who Are The Demons?

Who Are The Demons?

This message covers the topic of demonology.

September 3, 2023

A Radical Christianity

A Radical Christianity

This message discusses Jesus’ call for His disciples to give up everything to follow Him.

August 30, 2023

The Mark of The Beast

The Mark of The Beast

This study looks at some different views on the Mark of The Beast.

August 27, 2023

Jesus’ Power Over Diseases

Jesus' Power Over Diseases

This sermon discusses the power that Jesus has to heal. When does He heal and when doesn’t He? What kind of diseases does He have power over?

August 23, 2023

The Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13

The Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13

Who are the beasts of Revelation chapter 13? Has there every been a beast in history who spawned another beast with the same name that was religious? What does the historicist say about the antichrist of Revelation?

August 20, 2023

The Story of the Bible in 40 Minutes

The Story of the Bible in 40 Minutes

This sermon takes us through the overarching Story of the Bible in 40 minutes. Who creating everything? The God of Israel or Nothing?

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