Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In the ancient Greco/Roman Pantheon the Twelve Olympians reigned from Mount Olympus, each being designated the “god of” something. Zeus (Roman “Jupiter”), the king, was god of the sky. His brother, Poseidon (Roman “Juno”) was god of the seas. Apollo was god of light, Ares (Roman “Mars”) god of war, Aphrodite (Roman “Venus”) goddess of love, Hermes (Roman “Mercury”) god of commerce, and so on. However, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel and Christians, is the God of hope.
For those who believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, their God is the God of hope. They do not put their trust in a mythical god who can promise only temporal protection and provision over his or her particular dominion. Zeus can only promise protection from the sky, for instance. And if you’re on the ocean, Poseidon is your go to god. But the God of Israel promises protection and provision not only here in this world, but also in the world to come.
The God of the Bible is not merely the God of heaven and earth (Genesis 24:3), of the sky and sea, war and love and so on; He is the God of hope in the after life. None of the Twelve Olympians could promise that. They could only promise help in this world, not the next. In fact, there was only one ancient god who promised anything for the after life. He was Hades, Zeus and Poseidon’s older brother, the god of the underworld – the god of the dead. Jesus Christ promises hope not only in this life, but in the next to come. His dominion is not the underworld, but heaven above where those who are to inherit eternal life dwell.
1 Corinthians 15:19
If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.
If you have not put your hope is Jesus Christ now is the time to do so. He promises salvation and eternal life with Him in heaven for all who believe (Romans 3:22-26). Do you believe Jesus is the God of hope who became a man to die for you, so that, through His resurrection you could live with Him? Have you turned away from a sinful life in order to be filled with joy and peace in believing? He promises to cause you to abound in hope as He gives you His Holy Spirit. The God of hope is the God who saves.
Romans 8:24-25
For in this hope we have been saved; but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently.
Stay tuned the next couple of weeks as we continue to dissect Romans 15:13. What does it mean to be filled with joy and peace in believing? And, why must the Holy Spirit empower the believer to abound in hope?