Psalm 71:8
My mouth is filled with Your praise and with Your glory all day long.
One of the most practical ways to worship throughout the day is to praise the Lord. To speak of His glory and tell others around us of His strength and power is a spiritual act of worship when done from a sincere heart (Psalm 71:18). This is our testimony.
Each of us has a testimony everyday. We can either glorify the God of Heaven with praise on our lips or glorify our circumstances. When the words that we speak are about everything except Christ throughout the day we inadvertently praise those things rather than God. However, if we speak of the praises of God as much as we can we bring Him glory. Even in the midst of our struggles speaking of Christ’s righteousness brings shame to our enemies (Psalm 71:24). In this way our testimony is strong.
Some of the reasons we forget to praise God during the day are: 1.) We don’t see His righteousness as great as it is – “For your righteousness O God, reaches to the heavens (Psalm 71:19).” 2.) We forget all He has done for us in the past – “You who have done great things (Psalm 71:19).” 3.) We don’t emphasize the uniqueness of God’s Person; that is, we don’t see much difference between Him and everybody else – “O God, who is like You (Psalm 71:19)?” Finally, 4.) We focus on our troubles rather than on Christ’s strength to bring us out of them – “You who have shown me many troubles and distresses will revive me again and will bring me up from the depths of the earth (Psalm 71:20).”
Hebrews 13:15
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise–the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.
Father in Heaven, help us to praise You all day long. In good times and bad, let our lips declare your strength and power so that others around us will hear and see. Lord, keep our struggles from earning our words as we steadfastly speak of Your glory in their stead. Let us worship You with a sacrifice of praise throughout the day and not give glory to the things of this earth. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.