
November 30, 2015

The Holy Spirit’s Importance

The Holy Spirit's Importance

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and our absolute need for Him seems to have been put on the back burner in today’s popular evangelicalism. Yet, for the early Church He was needed above all else. Were they right or are we today? Who is the Holy Spirit and why is a church not a […]

November 15, 2015

Healing of the Lame Man

Healing of the Lame Man

Not everyone who was at the Temple in ancient Israel was there to worship the Most High God. Some used the Temple for their own purposes. The same is true in churches today. Many come to church for all kinds of reasons; but not to honor and glorify God through Jesus Christ our Lord. The […]

November 8, 2015

Philosophy of the Church

Philosophy of the Church

What was the philosophy of the first Apostle led church? How does that compare to popular churches today?

November 1, 2015

The Harvest of God

The Harvest of God

What was the significance of the birth of the Church occurring on the  Day of Pentecost, or Festival of the Harvest? What is the correlation between the two and what does it have to do with us today?

October 25, 2015

Moving Without the Spirit

Moving Without the Spirit
October 18, 2015

Of First Importance

Of First Importance

The first commandment of Jesus to the infancy church in Acts was to wait for the Holy Spirit. What does that mean for the church today?

October 11, 2015

Who Were the Apostles?

Who Were the Apostles?

Why did the Apostles have a unique responsibility and special authority given to no one else in Church history? Who were they and why should we listen to them?

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