Romans 5:3-5
We rejoice in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope. And hope does not disappoint…”
Why does every Christian need tribulation? Tribulation sets off a spiritual chain reaction in the believers’ life that ultimately leads to heavenly focus. Without it there would be no need to look forward to heaven because this life would have everything we could ever want.
All of life’s afflictions, struggles, sufferings, anguishing, distresses, and troubles can be summed up in one Biblical word – tribulation. Tribulation ultimately means “pressure.” All of life’s pressures brought on by our struggles are our tribulation. Jesus told us that “In this world you will have tribulation (John 16:33).” So how does the chain reaction of tribulation work?
Without tribulation the believer would have no need for perseverance. Perseverance, which means “to stay under” our trials, or to keep going through them rather than giving up, would never be learned without life’s pressures. If we had no tribulation we’d have no need for perseverance because there would be nothing to persevere through. No tribulation requires no perseverance in Christ.
When a believer perseveres under the pressures of this life their character is inevitably proven genuine. Peter wrote, “If necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold…will be proven genuine (1 Peter 1:6-7).” It is persevering under the intense pressures of this life that makes the Christian stand out from the rest. It proves them followers of Jesus no matter what. They don’t move away from Him, but towards Him when life’s struggles come their way. Without tribulation our character would not be proven genuine. No tribulation requires no character in Christ.
Finally, the tribulations of this life which afford the believer unique opportunities to persevere, thus proving their character, results in hope. Hope is the glorious end of tribulation in this life. It is an anchor for the soul that keeps us grounded in Christ’s presence (Hebrews 6:19). Hope is an inward focus on the future promise of heaven. Conversely, the lack of hope is an outward focus on the things of this earth. Each believer needs a heavenly focus to survive life’s pressures (Colossians 3:1-4). Without tribulation the believer would have no need for hope and therefore no need for heaven. Earth would be enough for them. Tribulation forces the Christian out of this world and in to the next through hope. And this hope will not disappoint. No tribulation requires no hope in Christ.
If you are struggling in this life take heart. You have great reason to rejoice in Christ. Your pressures, whether they be physical, relational, emotion, physcological, or financial are opportunities to persevere. Your perseverance with prove your character genuine in Christ. Ultimately, your soul will find itself anchored in the presence of God which will lead to a glorious heavenly focus that could never be found without the spiritual chain reaction set off by life’s tribulations in Christ.